Candidates for Oadby Uplands on
4 May 2023

These 6 candidates have been confirmed by the official "nomination papers" from the council.

View the Statement of Persons Nominated (SOPN) for this ballot

Name Party Results Rank
Samia Zuffar Haq Liberal Democrats 616 (elected) 1
Rupa Joshi Conservative and Unionist Party
(The Conservative Party Candidate)
545 (elected) 2
Victor Richard Kaufman Liberal Democrats 530 3
Mohammed Salim Rezah Boodhoo Conservative and Unionist Party
(The Conservative Party Candidate)
529 4
Hajira Hanif Piranie Labour Party 457 5
Justine Elizabeth Mercer Labour Party 427 6
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Data Timeline

Pre-nomination Candidates added

Nominations closed

Nomination documents uploaded

Candidates verified and lock suggested

Suggested lock Suggestion has been accepted

Final verification and locked

Candidates verified

Results recorded

Winner(s) recorded

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