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These are the last details we have for this candidate. They may not be current. Please edit the details if you have new information.
Personal details:
- Name
- Neale Hanvey
- ID
- 15357
- Party
- Alba Party
- Contested the UK Parliamentary general election (4 July 2024)
- Cowdenbeath and Kirkcaldy Alba Party
Not elected (1132 votes)
7th / 8 candidates - Contested the Scottish Parliament elections (Regions) (6 May 2021)
- Mid Scotland and Fife Alba Party List position 2
- Contested the UK Parliamentary general election (12 December 2019)
- Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath Scottish National Party (SNP)
Elected! (16568 votes)
1st / 6 candidates - Contested the Fife local election (6 September 2018)
- Inverkeithing and Dalgety Bay Scottish National Party (SNP)
Not elected (1741 votes)
2nd / 8 candidates - Contested the Fife Council local election (4 May 2017)
- Dunfermline Central Scottish National Party (SNP)
- Contested the Scottish Parliament elections (Regions) (5 May 2016)
- Mid Scotland and Fife Scottish National Party (SNP) List position 12
Links and social media:
- Facebook Page
- https://www.facebook.com/NealeHanveyMP/
- Homepage
- https://www.nealehanvey.com/
- 4782
- Party candidate page
- https://www.albaparty.org/candidate_neale_hanvey
- TheyWorkForYou Profile
- https://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/25873/
- JNHanvey
- Wikidata
- Q75818970
- Wikipedia
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neale_Hanvey
- Gender
- Male
- Age
- 60 or 61 (Born: 1964)
Photo Credit:
This photo was uploaded by the user ‘NealeH’ on 16 July 2024 17:37. Their justification for its use on the site was: this photo is the candidate's profile on social media, or is used to promote their candidacy on an official candidate or party website . They commented: “From maiden speech”.

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