Peter Bottomley

Candidate for Worthing West in UK Parliamentary general election

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Personal details:

Sir Peter Bottomley
Conservative and Unionist Party
Statement to voters

Constituents know I work for them. As Father of the House, I can be the most effective voice in Parliament. Whips do not expect me to follow a party line that I judge wrong. Seen as a liberally-minded, socially conscious, national interest Conservative, I fight for common sense, whatever the government.

Actively I protect our green spaces, strongly opposing inappropriate housing along the A259 and A27, around Angmering, Findon, Kingston, Ferring, East Preston and Goring by Sea with Worthing.

Recent national campaigns: my cross-party efforts gained justice for infected blood victims, sub-post office owners and residential leaseholders. These achievements are not overnight successes They required years of persistent effort, cooperating with charities and volunteers. Leasehold and park home residents have more to gain with me fighting with them. I do not give up. Under Labour’s last government, I worked with allies across the district and town to save threatened essential NHS services at Worthing Hospital, to relocate St Barnabas House and to reestablish Worthing College and Northbrook.

Progress of pupils and students locally has been outstanding. I support school and college leaders. We have been successful, managing numbers of school places and gaining agreement for the new SEND primary school.

People appreciate help and advice from my caring team and our dedication to resolve problems of every kind. I respect our faith groups, cooperating effectively for the benefit of all. I have supported the transition from reliance on carbon energy: electricity no longer comes much from fossil fuels.

Peace and democracy matter around the world. We need just ending of war, especially for Middle East and Ukraine tragedies where innocent lives are lost.

Please re-elect me to continue serving as your MP, tackling challenging problems, delivering on your priorities and doing good for our communities.

This statement was last updated on 17 June 2024 14:56.


Contested the UK Parliamentary general election (4 July 2024)
Worthing West Conservative and Unionist Party
Not elected (16570 votes)
2nd / 6 candidates
Contested the UK Parliamentary general election (12 December 2019)
Worthing West Conservative and Unionist Party
Elected! (30475 votes)
1st / 5 candidates
Contested the UK Parliamentary general election (8 June 2017)
Worthing West Conservative and Unionist Party
Elected! (30181 votes)
1st / 5 candidates
Contested the UK Parliamentary general election (7 May 2015)
Worthing West Conservative and Unionist Party
Elected! (26124 votes)
1st / 5 candidates
Contested the UK Parliamentary general election (6 May 2010)
Worthing West Conservative and Unionist Party
Elected! (25416 votes)
1st / 6 candidates

Links and social media:

TheyWorkForYou Profile


80 or 81 (Born: 1944)

Photo Credit:

This photo was uploaded by the user ‘Peter42’ on 16 July 2024 17:39. Their justification for its use on the site was: this photo is the candidate's profile on social media, or is used to promote their candidacy on an official candidate or party website . They commented: “”.

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