Oliver James Hitch

Candidate for Harpenden Rural in Hertfordshire local election

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Personal details:

Oliver James Hitch
Also known as
Oliver Hitch
Oliver James Hitch
Green Party


Contesting the Hertfordshire local election (1 May 2025)
Harpenden Rural Green Party
Contested the St Albans local election (2 May 2024)
Sandridge & Wheathampstead Green Party
Not elected (217 votes)
6th / 6 candidates
Contested the St Albans local election (7 December 2023)
Sandridge & Wheathampstead Green Party
Not elected (78 votes)
3rd / 4 candidates
Contested the St Albans local election (4 May 2023)
Sandridge & Wheathampstead Green Party
Not elected (166 votes)
3rd / 4 candidates
Contested the St Albans local election (5 May 2022)
Sandridge & Wheathampstead Green Party
Not elected (432 votes)
7th / 8 candidates
Contested the St Albans local election (6 May 2021)
Wheathampstead Green Party
Not elected (216 votes)
3rd / 4 candidates
Contested the St Albans local election (2 May 2019)
Wheathampstead Green Party
Not elected (233 votes)
3rd / 4 candidates
Contested the St Albans local election (3 May 2018)
Wheathampstead Green Party
Not elected (147 votes)
4th / 4 candidates

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Public profile page

View Oliver James Hitch's page on WhoCanIVoteFor.co.uk

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